Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Albert Einstein


The only source of knowledge is experience.
Albert Einstein

Birthday of Allama Mohammad Iqbal


Pakistan is celebrating the 133rd birthday of Allama Iqbal today . Born in Sialkot on Novemebr 9, 1877.

Watch a video made at SOS village.



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Muhammad Mudassar Saeed writes from Malaysia.

A letter from a friend who tells us about human trafficking 

Dear Aasia,

Greetings from

I would like to introduce my self iam Managing Director of Travel Company here in Malaysia.

And i want to share some information about here in Malaysia that what is going on with Pakistani Citizens here in Malaysia.

First of all i let you know we are consider as third world nation in this country because of shameful acts of Pakistani people done here secondly there is human trafficking from Pakistan people take lot of money there and send them here with promise of job and salary but never fulfill by  them and i met one big group of Pakistani who brought by agents here and force them to work without salary.

When they went to Pakistan High Commission they never help them . even then some of them came through OEC PAKISTAN which is Govt organization who send labor to over seas they were are also suffered and when they ask help from Pakistani High  Commission Labour attache was involved with agents and gave favour to pakistan agent .

Why iam sharing this information because iam the one who send all Pakistani back to Pakistan some time voluntarily.

I would like to request you if you can stop or help this Pakistani here in Malaysia or you can send my voice to Pakistani authorities to take action against Human Traffickers.

How ever if you need any assistance in traveling let me know.

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks & Best Regards

Muhammad Mudassar Saeed

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 November

A state of emergency was declared by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on November 3, 2007, and lasted until December 15, 2007, during which time the  constitution of Pakistan was suspended.When the state of emergency was declared, Musharraf controversially held both positions of President and Chief of Army Staff . He later resigned as army chief 25 days into the emergency on November 28. The state of emergency and its responses are generally attributed to the controversies surrounding the re-election of Musharraf during the  presidential elections on October 6, 2007, including his holding of both offices of President and Chief of Army Staff at the time.


Quote of the day

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.