Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A new system of education

Since the birth of Pakistan we are in a stage of making policies and doing experiments in the field of education but no revolutionary change has taken place. The change can only come through sincere implementation of polices and they should be made once. Every year we come with new suggestions and try to implement them but due to lack of follow up the end result is nothing.but always frustrating. To educate the nation is not a rocket science. The simple point is that we are not interested to impart education. Their are multiple systems of education prevailing in our country. To deliver basic education is the responsibility of the state. The state should allocate reasonable budget for education which is never allocated because we do not want to educate our people. We are afraid of them . We do not provide any facility to the students and help them out. We have now introduce private tuition system also which is very expensive. The state should make a long term policy, monitor it and one system of education should be introduced.Proper budget should be allocated and political influence should be withdrawn. Education system will become better and literacy rate will also be improved.
Aasia Sohail comments on The Express Tribune

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