Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Victory of Asma Jahangir

We congratulates Asma Jahangir on her victory in Supreme Court Bar Association elections. It is a great setback for lusting for power forces.

CRF Team

Monday, October 25, 2010

Life is very precious.

Message of the day

Dear young Citizens , 

If you own a vehicle and especially motorcycle then please be careful while riding on the roads. Please drive on the left side of the road, do not drive fast and always wear helmet. Life is very precious.

"Role of Civil Society" Forum Organized by Awam

Naeem Anthony, Mujahid Gillani,Shazia, Najma Afzal, Nazia Sardar and Aasia Sohail addressing  
Aasia Sohail said, “Accountability, transparency and fair elections are important factors for Democracy, therefore civil society must highlight evil practices in the cover of democratic set up so that the benefits of democracy reach to the citizens of Pakistan without any discrimination.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where is rule of Law?


 Striving for justice, equality looking forward for solutions of our problems. Law and order situation, price hikes, inflation, daily increase in utility bills, adulterated food and medicines , two different laws one for elite class and different for citizens.

This is what for;

The citizens of Pakistan struggled for the restoration of Judiciary and reinstatement of Chief Justice. Now what relief a common man is getting is a question? Where an ordinary citizen should go to seek justice. Our question from Chief Justice Of Pakistan.

Role of Local Government regarding Libraries.

The concerned local government may establish and maintain such libraries, reading rooms and circulation libraries as may be necessary for the use of the public.
This library located in Jinnah Bagh Faisalabad was built for children inaugurated by the commissioner Mr.Hafeez Akhter has now turned into ruins due to negligence of local administration.

Good Sense

The Gilani governance is the poor example of dealing with matters.You scratch my back I scratch your back. But the Zardari President of Pakistan has no interest to share the problems of citizens of Pakistan. Now the real ground reality is that no body is interested in parties and faces. They want the solution of their problems which are growing on daily basis. Remember these rulers will fly away when the time comes. Shaukat Aziz the best example among many others. We are really fed up of these people and are not going to trust even a single word of this regime.

Prime Minister Says/good-sense/

Your vote is very important.

Local bodies elections can solve our civic problems? 
Cast your vote at:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flood Hits Pakistan 2010

 Watch our visit to a flood affected area

Adding to Pollution


The pollution is being added by the TMO Faisalabad by putting garbage on fire. Who is responsible, Commissioner, DCO or TMA Faisalabad.



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Medical Camp by CRF in February, 2010

A medical camp was arranged by Citizen Rights Foundation for the less lucky citizens in which a team of doctors examined the patients . 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What role NGOs Can Play?

Addressing Seminar Organized by AWAM at Bishop House Faisalabad Pakistan

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Judges should have waited till morning

The supreme court has over reacted. The judges are going faster than the government. Both institutions are watching their own interests. Nobody is concerned with the public issues. Recently attack by lawyers remained unchecked by the Supreme Court and no body asked the lawyers about their attempt of attack on court of Chief Justice of Lahore High Court.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Reaction above law

Do you feel that lawyers of Pakistan react above law?

Your votes and comments will be highly appreciated on our site mentioned below

Global Handwashing Day 15 October (Urdu Version)

White Cane Safety Day today

Every year, October 15 is celebrated as World White Cane Safety Day. White cane is a commonly used tool that assists blind, deaf-blind and visually impaired people to move from one place to another. The white cane does not only help blind people to move independently but has also become a symbol for the blind. This day motivates all the relevant quarters such as transporters, traffic police, drivers and conductors to take better care of the blind through gatherings, functions and mass media campaigns.

Global Handwashing Day 15 October

1   Washing hands with water alone is not enough! Washing hands with water alone, a common practice around the world, is significantly less effective than washing hands with soap.
Proper handwashing requires soap and only a small amount of water. Using soap works by breaking down the grease and dirt that carry most germs, facilitating the rubbing and friction that dislodge them and leaving hands smelling pleasant. The clean smell and feeling that
soap creates are incentives for its use. With proper use, all soaps are equally effective at rinsing away disease-causing germs.
2    Handwashing with soap can prevent diseases that kill millions of children every year. Handwashing with soap is among the most effective ways to prevent diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, which together are responsible for the majority of child deaths. Every year, more than 3.5 million children do not live to celebrate their fifth birthday because of diarrhea and
pneumonia. Handwashing can also prevent skin infections, eye infections, intestinal worms, SARS and Avian Flu, and benefits the health of people living with HIV/AIDS. Handwashing is effective in preventing the spread of disease even in overcrowded, highly contaminated slum environments, research shows.
3    The critical moments for handwashing with soap are after using the toilet or cleaning a child and before handling food. Hands should be washed with soap after using the toilet, after cleaning a child’s bottom (or any other contact with human excreta, including that of babies and children) and before any contact with food. Hands are the principal carriers of disease-causing germs. It is important to ensure that people have a way to wash their hands at these critical moments. Simple, low-cost solutions like Tippy Taps are within the financial and technological reach of even the poorest communities.
4    Handwashing with soap is the single most cost-effective health intervention. Handwashing promotion is cost-effective when compared with other frequently funded health interventions. A $3.35 investment in handwashing brings the same health benefits as an $11.00 investment in latrine construction, a $200.00 investment in household water supply and an investment of thousands of dollars in immunization. Investments in the promotion of hand washing with soap can also maximize the health benefits of investments in water supply and sanitation infrastructure and reduce health risks when families do not have access to basic sanitation and water supply services. Cost is not typically a barrier to hand washing promotion; almost all households in the world already have soap – though it is commonly  used for laundry, dish washing and bathing rather than for hand washing.
5    Social marketing approaches that center on the potential handw asher and his or her specific motivations are more effective than traditional disease-focused approaches. Research shows that hand washing behavior can be changed on a large scale through the use of social marketing approaches. The key is to view the potential handwasher as a consumer and then research that consumer’s handwashing habits, as well as the factors that might encourage him or her to adopt new handwashing behaviors; design appropriate messages that appeal to the consumer’s needs, wishes and preferences; and implement promotion programs that make use of a variety of message delivery channels.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Will two brutally murdered brothers in Sialkot Pakistan get justice?

This matter needs further inquiry says government but admittedly two brothers were not guilty.CRF

Poor Country with Rich Rulers and dying citizens

All the parties are doing jokes with the citizens of Pakistan, There is no leader to show the nation right path. What these rulers can give to us except agony and mental torture. Nawaz has millions of assets.Present government is buying bullet proof cars and constructing houses for the parliamentarians. Now Nawaz Sharif has issued a charge sheet just to save his own skin

No body is above law than why MPA and MNA?

Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim, which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefor, do injustice to yourselves.

Constitution Of Pakistan

Under the constitution of Pakistan it is the right of the citizens to enjoy the protection of law and be treated in accordance with law. It also provides the guarantee to protect the life, liberty, body, reputation, and property of an individual.

What is being practiced in Pakistan is entirely different from the teachings of Prophet and constitution of Pakistan.

General Citizen

If any ordinary citizen is found with a fake degree a criminal case is registered against him but in case of elite or influential citizens no action is taken rather it is justified by the state.For example; 

In case of Khawaja Muhammad Islam MPA of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz who has possessed a fake BA degree but no action has been taken against and no inquiry has been conducted against him . He is enjoying the same facilities as before.
We  ask the government that if any ordinary citizen is booked under the law for holding fake degree then why Khawaja Islam and many others are spared for this act. This is injustice and discriminate gesture of the rulers. An FIR should be registered against him under sections 420, 468, 471 PPC. 


Monday, October 11, 2010

Diet to be followed as prevention against Breast Cancer

Here is the diet which we should be followed as prevention against Breast Cancer -

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women. This is of great concern as according to experts, very soon, one in every 14 women, will suffer from Breast Cancer. October, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is all about prevention of this disease. Apart from a proper lifestyle and exercise, a lot depends on our diet for the prevention of Breast Cancer.

1.Vegetables –
A cure and prevention to almost every disease, vegetables should be included in our diet. Doctors prescribe, 9 serving of vegetables everyday. Vegetables have cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Out of all the vegetables Spinach and Kale are the most important. Other prominent vegetables are brocolli, carrots, beetroot, tomatoes and pumpkin. It is best to cook the vegetables in Olive Oil.

2.Whole Grain Diet - Whole grain diet includes brown rice, wheat berries, grain bagels, breads, pasta etc. The fiber content of the whole grain diet helps us to reduce weight and also lowers the estrogen in the body. These two factors prevent Breast Cancer.

3.Dairy Product – After the age of five intake of dairy product should be taken in small quantity. Dairy product has a fat content and first step to prevent Breast cancer is to limit fat intake by 4-5 servings. Excess fat and obesity can also lead to the disease.

4.Soy Products - Soybeans has abundance of anticarcinogenic compounds. It includes saponins, phytates, protease inhibitors and isoflavones – this waekens the estrogen compound. The best form of soy product is tofu or soy milk.

5.Fish – Fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, White Tuna, Sardine and herring are some of the fish which is very good agent to prevent Breast Cancer. The omega-3 diet is beneficial to keep the disease at bay.

6.Fruits – Fruits and specially dark coloured fruits such as black grapes, berries, peaches, red apple etc should be includes in your diet to prevent Breast Cancer. 3 servings of fruits should be included in the diet.

Prevention is the best cure stands true also for disease such as Breast Cancer. Your lifestyle destinies you to your health condition and thus it is necessary to maintain a right pattern of it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the leading cause of women mortality and cancer-related morbidity across the world. Pakistani women are no exception. Like carcinoma lung, it has shown an exponential rise in incidence after the Second World War. International as well as local figure indicate this disease alone to be accountable for about a third of all the cancers in females and one out of every ten new cancer cases turns out to be carcinoma breast. Approximately one in every 9 Pakistani women is likely to suffer from breast cancer which is one of the highest incidence rates in Asia. Geographic incidence of the disease does vary with India, China, Japan and Philippines being the traditional low-risk countries 

Pink Ribbon Day


October is breast cancer awareness month also called pink ribbon month. We are planning a seminar to create awareness among the women about this fatal disease. The female residents of Faisalabad Pakistan interested to attend the seminar are requested to message us on facebook or at

Friday, October 1, 2010