Monday, October 11, 2010

Diet to be followed as prevention against Breast Cancer

Here is the diet which we should be followed as prevention against Breast Cancer -

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women. This is of great concern as according to experts, very soon, one in every 14 women, will suffer from Breast Cancer. October, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is all about prevention of this disease. Apart from a proper lifestyle and exercise, a lot depends on our diet for the prevention of Breast Cancer.

1.Vegetables –
A cure and prevention to almost every disease, vegetables should be included in our diet. Doctors prescribe, 9 serving of vegetables everyday. Vegetables have cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Out of all the vegetables Spinach and Kale are the most important. Other prominent vegetables are brocolli, carrots, beetroot, tomatoes and pumpkin. It is best to cook the vegetables in Olive Oil.

2.Whole Grain Diet - Whole grain diet includes brown rice, wheat berries, grain bagels, breads, pasta etc. The fiber content of the whole grain diet helps us to reduce weight and also lowers the estrogen in the body. These two factors prevent Breast Cancer.

3.Dairy Product – After the age of five intake of dairy product should be taken in small quantity. Dairy product has a fat content and first step to prevent Breast cancer is to limit fat intake by 4-5 servings. Excess fat and obesity can also lead to the disease.

4.Soy Products - Soybeans has abundance of anticarcinogenic compounds. It includes saponins, phytates, protease inhibitors and isoflavones – this waekens the estrogen compound. The best form of soy product is tofu or soy milk.

5.Fish – Fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, White Tuna, Sardine and herring are some of the fish which is very good agent to prevent Breast Cancer. The omega-3 diet is beneficial to keep the disease at bay.

6.Fruits – Fruits and specially dark coloured fruits such as black grapes, berries, peaches, red apple etc should be includes in your diet to prevent Breast Cancer. 3 servings of fruits should be included in the diet.

Prevention is the best cure stands true also for disease such as Breast Cancer. Your lifestyle destinies you to your health condition and thus it is necessary to maintain a right pattern of it.

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