Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Male dominated societies treat women as second class citizens.

The women in Pakistan and even in world are dominated by men. Mental and physical torture is common in all societies. In under developed countries women are neither aware of their rights nor treated as equal to men. In Pakistan 33 % of assembly constitutes of women but no fruitful legislation has been made and very little has been done for them. What ever has been legislated has not been implemented. Today, a woman works as hard as a man. She not work outside her home but also performs domestic duties. She has to look after her parents when she is unmarried, she has to work for her husband and children after marriage. The women are under paid despite hard work. In China,Mao Ze Dong demanded equal pay for equal working to bring the women at par with men. However, in Pakistan and other countries like Pakistan and even in West the women are not treated equally. They are sexually harassed at their working places whether offices or fields. There are laws for women protection but their implementation is far away. In the remote areas of Pakistan, the women are treated as animals, they are sold, exchanged and killed just for nothing. They have no right to speak, no justice is provided to them and most important of all is they are not aware of their rights.They are not allowed to get education, not allowed to give their opinion and are not allowed to give their suggestion or choose any thing for them. The time has come that proper and conclusive legislation should be done and the laws made as a result of it, should be strictly observed and implemented.

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