Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is our Government Able to Implement Police Reforms in True Spirt?

Our police badly need reforms and induction should be purely on merit. All quotas should be banned. No political influence on transfers and postings. Committee compromised on reputed, law abiding citizens , tax payers and non political persons should be established to give suggestions for improvement in the system.Our politicians are unable to do any thing good.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Donation to Army Flood Relief Center

Faisalabad: A delegation of Citizen Rights Foundation visited Army Relief Camp  for flood victims organized under Gujrawala Core Head Quarters. It included Mohammad Sohail Irshad Director CRF, Rana Baber Mahmood, Mian Naeem organizers" Tuam" ,Mohammad Ali Irshad, Hassan Bilal. In a meeting with the Camp Incharge Lieutenant Colonel Mahboob Ahmad Butt they delivered bottles of drinking water, juices and other miscellaneous articles for the flood victims.

Steeling in day light.

A tree fallen down due to heavy rains is being cut into pieces by the Baildar Rana Shafiq his companions including Shahzad and others is taken into their personal possession instead of depositing it with the department.

Brothers in Sialkot murdered brutally

Today is August 30, 2010. The brutally murdered  two brothers in Sialkot case  is still pending and no final inquiry report has been issued and made public. We are waiting for the report and action which will be taken against this act of terrorism in front of local police of Sialkot. The house arrested DPO should also be thoroughly investigated and if proven guilty shall be punished according to law.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who can save Pakistan ?

Which leader can really save Pakistan from bankruptcy?

1. Asif Ali Zardari
2. Altaf Hussain
3. Imran Khan
4. Nawaz Sharif
5. Any other

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Most Popular Political Party

Which political party from the following is most popular among the Pakistanis and will win the future general elections with majority?

1. Pakistan Peoples Party
2. Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz
3. Pakistan Muslim League Q
4. Pakistan Tehreek Insaf
5. JUI
6. MQM
7. Jamat Islami
8. Any other


Should we celebrate our independence day in current situation of flood affected country?



Monday, August 9, 2010

Zardari's Visit

Do you feel that President Asif Ali Zardari' visit to England was appropriate at this crucial stage when people have become victims of heavy showers and flood?


2. No

Educational System

Which system do you find is suitable and appropriate for students in Pakistan?

  1. Annual System
  2. Semester System

Saturday, August 7, 2010

We welcome all of you to this blog.

To struggle for constitutional and municipal rights given under the constitution of Pakistan and relevant laws.
To impart Health Education
To promote Hygienic Health Practices
To create awareness amongst the masses about health care and to organize health camps.
To establish medicine banks to supply medicines to the remote and undeveloped areas of living.
To establish technical education centers for male and female to provide technical education so they become self dependent and earning citizens of Pakistan.
To take measures to combat illiteracy through formal and informal education.
i) Women
To take measures to protect the women against the domestic violence including beatings, sexual violence or torture and causing serious injuries caused by pouring of acid or burning them alive and to eliminate it.
ii) Children
To take practical measure to save children from child labour and sexual abuse especially against girls.
To protect a child from all forms of physical and mental violence while in the care of parents and others. (Article 19 of CRC)
To insure that no child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 37 of the CRC)
Justice delayed is Justice denied. We aim to help and guide the poor people who have no access to the courts due to poverty and are deprived of their legal rights.
The CRF focus to review applications and complaints of the consumers about compliance of purchased goods or services to agreement, grants practical aid to consumers in the event of conflict, protects consumers in legal proceedings, represents interests of consumers in the process of drafting legislation, advices consumers on their rights and quality of goods.