Saturday, August 7, 2010

We welcome all of you to this blog.

To struggle for constitutional and municipal rights given under the constitution of Pakistan and relevant laws.
To impart Health Education
To promote Hygienic Health Practices
To create awareness amongst the masses about health care and to organize health camps.
To establish medicine banks to supply medicines to the remote and undeveloped areas of living.
To establish technical education centers for male and female to provide technical education so they become self dependent and earning citizens of Pakistan.
To take measures to combat illiteracy through formal and informal education.
i) Women
To take measures to protect the women against the domestic violence including beatings, sexual violence or torture and causing serious injuries caused by pouring of acid or burning them alive and to eliminate it.
ii) Children
To take practical measure to save children from child labour and sexual abuse especially against girls.
To protect a child from all forms of physical and mental violence while in the care of parents and others. (Article 19 of CRC)
To insure that no child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 37 of the CRC)
Justice delayed is Justice denied. We aim to help and guide the poor people who have no access to the courts due to poverty and are deprived of their legal rights.
The CRF focus to review applications and complaints of the consumers about compliance of purchased goods or services to agreement, grants practical aid to consumers in the event of conflict, protects consumers in legal proceedings, represents interests of consumers in the process of drafting legislation, advices consumers on their rights and quality of goods.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to join this blog. I wish fruitful activities on it.
