Monday, August 9, 2010

Educational System

Which system do you find is suitable and appropriate for students in Pakistan?

  1. Annual System
  2. Semester System


  1. Annual system is better than semester as far as it is concerned in Pakistan. The teachers in Pakistan have to improve their style and vision and courage to bear criticism from the parents and students. In case of complaint from a student of parents they take revenge from the students and cause them mental and educational loss.

  2. i would vote for semester system because in semester system student must have to be regular in class and have to study on daily basis what is taught in class in order to pass the examination. In annual system at the end of the year student grabs book or purchases it and prepares for examination and gets passing marks. Though annual system is much more easy to pass the examination as compare to semester system but it is not knowledgeable.
    In semester system a student gets more knowledge by various activities like quiz, speech,presentations etc etc.

  3. i totally agree that it should be semester system..and it is better them annual system but for this i think in each class 15 out of 50 students has to suffer because teacher's unfair acts and for semester system teachers should be honest and trained properly..

  4. No.1 Semester system is good but in those countries where teachers are friendly and cooperative with the students

  5. semester i guess. maybe because it gets you in a routine. where as in annual , a student can keep on playing around the whole year and study at the last moments, which might get him to pass, but would never actually give him knowledge. so in my opinion semester system :)
